Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Astringents, Toners & Treatments

Toner’s have been around for hundreds of years now. The basic function of a toner is to leave us with clean, clear looking, refreshed skin. Plus, they remove any leftover cleanser.

Tea Tree Oil: After either mask above, finish off with a make-up remover pad containing a few drops of pure essential tea tree oil and apply it to zits. A known zit killer (or any bacteria killer), tea tree oil is easily attainable from supermarkets and has a nice clean, fresh scent. It's advisable to dilute it if you're planning on using it as an actual toner. I'd dilute it with Witch Hazel or even just a little water.

Witch hazel: Witch Hazel has been used as an astringent for years! Use a make-up remover pad containing Witch Hazel. Witch Hazel is cheap and available at all supermarkets in the beauty section.

Rose-water: As per the above Witch Hazel suggestion, rose-water works miracles on dry, delicate skin. Plus it smells pretty. Use in the same manner. I've also tried mixing the two together! One part witch hazel to two parts rosewater is a perfect toner for normal skin. Add more rose-water if you suffer with dry skin.

Warm milk: 1 Tablespoon of warm milk mixed with a half a tablespoon of warm water works miracles when used as a toner on dry, irritated skin.

Vitamin E gel caps: For scarring, rashes, dry skin, sunburn, etc… I take a Vitamin E gel cap, puncture it with a pin, and put the oil directly on my skin. It really is amazing!

Lemon grass tea: Used as a toner on some cotton wool, cooled lemon grass tea helps to refresh and energise your skin whilst also refining the texture of the skin.

Oily skin help: Dip a slice of cucumber into some lemon or lime juice which has been diluted with 6 parts water. Rub it gently over the skin paying particular attention to the T zone and around the nostrils where little, annoying blackheads like to congregate.

Shopping Online For Cheap Cosmetics

The cost of cosmetics (and, well, everything) these days can be a little exorbitant. Since I have a massive addiction to all things beauty (and fashion), my compulsion costs me quite a bit. So does my shoe fetish, but we’ll save that for another post. So below are some sites I've purchased from and have been exceptionally happy with the entire experience, from costs to product range and quality to shipping.

My favourite go-to site is StrawberryNET. You can find just about anything there! I’ve purchased a number of items and have always received then within a few days. Their bonus - Free registered shipping worldwide for everything except fragrances. Should any of you be wary about shopping online, StrawberryNET are very well known and reputable, have been around for ages, accept Paypal amongst their payment methods – Use Paypal wherever you can, they have a massive customer base worldwide, are safe and have landed within the top 100 on Bizrate. They also have both and Android and iPhone app, should you wish to browse and shop from wherever you are. They also have a loyalty program which gives you discounts from your first placed order. It’s not a huge discount, but hey, you don’t have to do anything for it.

As a shopper on DealsDirect, I've purchased plenty of household items and gifts and have always been really happy with their service, prices and the fact that they combine shipping. The quality of their products is impeccable, the postage fast, and the prices very budget friendly. 

Deals Directs’ Supermarket Deals site is fantastic for grocery type items. I purchased some ‘Max Factor Photo Ready’ items (foundation, cream-to-powder compact and concealer) and am hooked! Supermarket Deals is bookmarked now and one of my go-to sites when looking to feed my health and beauty addiction. To further add to Supermarket Deals, I have purchased a number of bulk food items from them and everything has been perfect.

Crazy Sales is building on their Health and Beauty section. Whilst they don’t currently stock much in the way of cosmetics, they do have a pretty awesome perfume and cologne selection.

Other favourites are eBay and Quicksales. With a Galaxy SIII and a fair bit of down time at work, I tend to skulk around on these sites. My bank account hates me.

Shopping online is great if you already know what shades suit you or you’re willing to risk selecting items you think will suit you. But if you’re more of an in-store shopper, MyChemist always have fantastic priced cosmetics in their bins at the front of their stores. If you happen to buy stuff online that doesn’t suit you, or you don’t like it, re-sell it on eBay. Just be sure to point out that you tried it. Same goes with clothes. I’ve made quite a bit of money selling shoes and clothes online. Yes, I have a clothing fetish too, which I’ll also delve into in another post. I’ve found some killer sites for clothes and shoes!

Two sites I am yet to purchase from are Purchase Direct and Cosmetics Now. Their prices seem quite good, but as I said, I haven’t purchased from them, so I can’t give feedback on them.

Whilst I am an avid fan of Catch of the Day, I’ve purchased plenty of items from them over the years and will continue to do so. One thing I will not buy again is their cosmetics and skincare. I purchased some ROC eye treatment tubes and they had well past their expiry. After scouting around online about this, plenty of forum users voiced the same concern about any skincare products they’ve purchased from Catch of the Day. Sometimes their skincare pages specify if the product is out of date, however I checked the ROC page I had purchased from, and there was no such warning. If you do decide to press on and purchase their skincare and cosmetics, it might be wise to bear this in mind, especially when it comes to specialty creams, serums and lotions.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Home Made Face Masks

What are the benefits of a face mask? Well, face masks must be applied to thoroughly cleansed skin and are designed to improve complexion, deliver nutrients, draw out impurities, help tone your facial muscles and minimise the likelihood of blackheads and clogged pores.

If you can be bothered, steam your face after cleansing, and prior to applying your mask. Should you suffer with dry skin, maybe limit this to once per fortnight. As a caution, steaming is not recommended should you suffer with serious skin disorders, thread veins, heart problems or breathing difficulties.

To further add to my " Dry Skin - Face" post, below are some ideas to apply after cleansing.

Fruit masks: Mashed strawberries or apples revitalise the skin whilst mashed pear or banana enrich and refresh.

On a separate note, mashed strawberry rubbed on to your teeth helps lift stains and whiten.

Dry or delicate skin: 3 Teaspoons of warm olive oil added to a well beaten egg massaged into your face and neck makes a great 'sensitive skin' mask. Leave it on for around 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Adding a few drops of essential lavender oil will assist with relaxation.

Oily skin:
Strain the juice from a couple of tomatoes and add a little lemon or lime juice. Rub it in gently and allow to dry. 

Mashing a cucumber, add a little milk and beat in to an egg white until the mixture forms a paste is another great mix for combating oily skin. Smooth on and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Enliven and brighten skin: Dip some cotton wool into some fresh cream and wipe over your skin. Then spread honey over your skin, patting it in for 15 minutes. 

Home Made Moisturisers

Home made moisturisers may not always be budget friendly, nor do they have the shelf-life of mass-produced pots of bizarrely named chemicals, but hey, at least you know what you're slapping on your face. 

Should you have the ingredients lurking in your pantry or bathroom cupboard and you're feeling a tad creative, why not try some of the suggestions below. Some of these came from a Reader's Digest book which belonged to my (sadly addicted Reader's Digest junkie) grandmother. These creams are considered as night creams, thus the finished product may be quite rich.

Lavender cream:
Take a bowl and stand in a pan of hot water. Take 6 teaspoons of lanolin and add 2 teaspoons each of avocado oil and almond oil and beat well. Once combined, remove from heat and continue to beat the mixture until the mixture cools and becomes thick and creamy. Finish off your mad scientist concoction by beating in two teaspoons of essential lavender oil and pour into small screw top jars*, storing them in the fridge.

*I purchase mine pretty cheap on eBay. All jars lids you use must be boiled for 10 minutes and allowed to fully air dry to avoid contaminants.

Honey slather:
In a saucepan, warm a cup of honey with 2 teaspoons of rose-water and 1/2 a cup of milk. Once warmed, turn off the heat and mix well. Allow the mixture to cool before pouring it into a clean bottle and storing it in a cool place. 

Prior to using, shake the bottle well and apply the moisturiser (just before bed) with cotton wool to your face and neck. Leave on overnight and rinse it off in the morning.

Lotions to help with aging:
Mix 3 teaspoons each of glycerine, which hazel and rose-water and combine it with 3 teaspoons of honey. Massage gently into your face and rinse with warm water. 

1 and a 1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil combined with 2 teaspoons of sweet almond oil massaged thoroughly into the skin works wonders! For oily skin, add around 10 drops of tincture of ben

As a general rule, always massage your face in an upward movement.

Astaxanthin - Pill-Form Miracle

Pronounced Az-Tah-ZAN-Thun, Astaxanthin is allegedly the world’s most potent antioxidant and a little known-about miracle pill! I first read about it on Dr. Mercola and became really interested, not to mention fascinated with its miracle type properties. 

To sum up some of its uses (
info direct from Dr. Mercola’s site):

What if you could: 

  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, age spots and freckles
  • Boost brain and nervous system protection from free radicals
  • Help reduce the visible signs of aging
  • Promote joint and skeletal system health
  • Potentially enhance your skin protection from sun-induced free radicals
And if you’re an athlete or even a weekend warrior, what if you could:

  • Increase strength and stamina
  • Improve your endurance
  • Enable faster recovery from exercise
  • reduce joint and muscle soreness after a vigorous workout
When it comes to free radical scavenging, Astaxanthin can be as much as:

  • 65 Times more powerful than vitamin C
  • 54 Times stronger than beta-carotene  
Plus, Astaxanthin has been shown to be more effective than other carotenoids and other nutrients at ‘singlet oxygen quenching’ by being up to: 

  • 800 Times stronger than CoQ10
  • 6000 Times greater than vitamin C
  • 550 Times more powerful than green tea catechins (A component of green tea, which is known to reduce body mass fat)
  • 11 Times stronger than beta-carotene 
To note, synthetic Astaxanthin is also available, however, much less effective. I only use natural Astaxanthin and I purchase it from reputable eBay stores. I buy it from eBay as I can't seem to find it in any Aussie health food stores.

I am in no way making claims that this, or anything else I have posted WILL WORK for you. I am not a doctor and in no way able to provide doctor-ey type advice. These are just things I have tried for myself, am happy with the results, and it’s up to you if you wish to try the same thing. I myself tend to look for ‘user reviews’ when trying something for the first time, so consider this information solely as my ‘user review’. It would also be wise to discuss commencing any new med's (herbal or otherwise) with your doctor first, especially if you're taking other medications. 

Dry skin – Face

Dry facial skin sucks. It makes you feel a little self conscious and appears rather aging. No matter how much make-up you use, you can't hide it. I'm going through treatment (with some exceptionally positive results!!) for it now with the lovely Kat over at Body Inc Beauty in Roxburgh Park, VIC.

Begin with a scrub. I make my own with some sugar and warm honey (organic optional – It doesn’t really matter). Just mix it together, slather it all over your face, put some on your lips too (not for any significant benefit other than licking it off) and gently scrub. Start with the centre of your face, and move outwards in a circular motion, avoiding the eye area. 

For a gentler option, try a small pinch of oats (which have been soaked in hot water to soften) and honey instead of sugar, or just a lot less sugar.

Rinse with warm water. If your skin is irritated and/or rashy, maybe avoid brutalising it with the scrub and work on healing your poor skin first.

Now, some at home treatments for your polished, perfect skin! – 

Moisture treatment mask:
Mashed banana with some honey added. Warm it up a little in the microwave for an added moisture boost. Again, and most importantly, put some on your lips so you can lick it off. Rinse off after 15-20 minutes. Both the banana and honey moisturises, but the honey doubles as an antiseptic, killing demon spawn (vicious pimples that make you pull sickies because you simply can’t face the world with an angry volcano on your face). 

Tightening treatment mask:
Egg white! Crack an egg in a bowl and reserve the yolk (for a volumising hair treatment). Whenever I’ve done this, I’ve used a basting brush to paint the egg white onto my face. Just like any other mask that dries out, rinse it off when it’s dry, which is around 15-20 minutes.

Olive oil & honey moisturising wash: Mix a couple of teaspoons of olive oil with a teaspoon of honey and gently work into the skin. Wipe excess off the splash your face with warm water to remove any sticky residue.

Oat cleanser bag:
Take a few tablespoons of oats in a firmly tied cheesecloth or muslin bag. Allow the bag to stand in hot water until the oats soften. Use the bag on your face like a sponge.

Dry skin – Body

I suffered with eczema and dry skin conditions for years, on and off, from around the age of 7 to 20 years old. Whilst my staple was a cortisone cream from my doctor (as well as a stiff bush to scratch with as the itching drove me fricken insane!), I decided to research, create and test my own cost efficient, pantry ingredient ideas. Plus, I was a teenager, I had no damn money! I had to raid mum’s pantry since she wouldn't buy me the expensive prescription cream all that often.

If your skin is just dry and flaky, lightly use a dry loofah or better yet, a dry pair of exfoliating gloves and scrub your skin prior to jumping in the shower. This will break down and remove dead skin cells. If your skin is irritated and rashy, avoid this idea and move straight onto the below.

A warm (not hot - Hot water destroys the skin's natural oil - the very thing we're trying to rebuild and protect here) bath with a squirt of oil (preferably coconut, olive or apricot oil) soothes and repairs dry skin. Olive oil from the supermarket would probably be the cheapest option here.

If you don’t have time for a bath or you’re not a bath sort of person, keep a bottle of oil in the shower. I keep a 500ml bottle of coconut oil as well as a 500ml bottle of almond oil in my shower. I’ve included fragrant oils in both bottles; 1 is rose and the other is CK One inspired.
Kodys Candles has an insane range of fragrant oils to choose from, from fruit, candy and food fragrances to well-known perfume imitation fragrances to themed fragrances such as kiss & tell, butt naked, better than sex cake, beer and bi-polar . Not sure what they’re meant to incite within you, but hey, be adventurous and stink like beer! Give 'em a go! – No, I am not affiliated with Kodys Candles in any way, so I am not fiscally driven to pedal their products. I’m simply an impressed consumer of theirs and am on my 5th large bottle of Calvin Klein inspired CK One.

By applying my oil mixtures in the shower (after loofah-ing, massage oil in then rinse moderately), I keep rancid looking dry skin at bay and I smell pretty. This is all very fortunate given that I am too lazy to apply a moisturiser after my showers. 

Beware! If you’re not looking to get a mauling from your ramped up boyfriend/husband/friend with benefit/pervert neighbour, do this when you’re home alone or they're glued to their X-Box pwning noobs or bitch-slapping on GTA, and are too pre-occupied to notice you naked, wet, lathered up and oiled, not to mention smelling spectacular! 

On the other hand, if you’re looking for some action…